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41st Annual US Go Congress

July 12-20, 2025

Austin, tx

Welcome to the premier annual event of the American Go Association!

The US Go Congress is an annual event sponsored by the American Go Association (AGA). The 41st annual event will be hosted by the Austin Go Club .



Watch an Introductory Video

What to expect


Things to know

Support the Go Congress

2025 Congress web images


What to expect



Several hundred Go players and fans of all ages and from around the world gather each year to spend a week playing Go, learning about Go, improving their Go games through interactions with professionals.


The week of activities include variety of tournaments featuring the US Open Championship, but also including small tournaments such as 9x9, 13x13, Women's, Pair Go, Seniors and several others. See the 2025 Tournaments page for more details.


In addition to the tournaments, many professionals attend to provide game reviews, lectures and simultaneous games. This a great opportunity to learn from the best and improve your game.


Though the major activities are available for players of all ages, there is a dedicated Youth Room that  provides additional fun and supervised activities targeted at younger attendees.


On the Wednesday of congress week, there is a day off for attendees and their guests to partake in excursions to learn and see more of the local culture or participate in other activities of their choosing.


There are several meetings during the week, such as the AGA General Assembly and a meeting of club organizers to gather and discuss topics of common interest.


Finally, there is a closing banquet on the last Saturday of the congress, where awards from the tournaments are announced, the ever popular poetry and song contest winners perform, the American Go Foundation (AGF) announces their teacher of the year and holds a benefit auction to enhance efforts around Go education.


In summary, the US Go Congress provides all kinds of Go-related activities from morning to midnight. Come for the Go. Come for the camaraderie of old friends. Whatever your reason, we are looking forward to seeing you there!


This year, the Congress is being held at Southwestern University about 45 minutes north of Austin. It's a beautiful campus with plenty of housing, food options, and amenities. There are many attractions and activities to do in the surrounding area, so it's an ideal summer vacation destination for players and non-players alike.

Where will I stay and eat?

Things to know

Before registering, it's a good idea to review the Prices and Options page. You can also review the FAQ page and other information. The most important rule is that at least one person in your party or family must be an AGA member. All attendees that participate in tournaments must have their own AGA membership. Now's a good time to make sure every player's AGA membership is up-to-date, or players should join the AGA if not a current member.

Supporting the Go Congress

The US Go Congress is held every summer and is primarily funded through attendee registration fees, which we attempt to keep as low as possible. Whether you will attend this year or not, if you would like to make a donation that can help support and expand the Go Congress for this and future years.  Your support is greatly appreciated!    Donate here.

Go Congresses 1

Go Congresses

of Yesteryear



Photos courtesy of Phil Straus

Go Congresses 2

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