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Kenro Osawa (4p) Visiting Professional in Los Angeles

The Santa Monica Go Club is hosting a special Go event in Los Angeles on June 17 and 18 supported by the Japan Foundation. Visiting Japanese professional player Kenro Osawa (4p), will be spending two days providing insight, lessons, and demonstrations on Go. As part of a cultural and knowledge exchange, Osawa-san is very excited to visit Los Angeles, share his expertise, and help others learn about the game. Osawa-san and the Nihon-Kiin have prepared an introductory video you can view here.

The event will be held in the salon at Japan House Los Angeles in the Ovation Hollywood entertainment complex from 10am - 7pm each day. The main session will end at 4pm, with the remainder of the day reserved for free play and private lessons. Registration and attendance is $40 per day with an included lunch provided by Shinsen-gumi. Participants may choose to attend either one of or both days of the event, as lessons and content will vary each day. Online registration will open in the next several weeks. Contact us during registration for family discounts.

Osawa-san will be playing and reviewing demonstration games, playing simultaneous games against attendees and providing review, discussing questions presented by attendees, and reviewing games among volunteer participants. He may indulge in some fun Go variants such as One-Color Go or Music Go. Osawa-san will also be available for small group private lessons after the seminars end at 4pm for those looking for extra in-depth learning. There will be two one-hour lessons of 5 people available each day. Osawa-san asks $20 per person for these sessions.

Saturday, June 17, 2023, 10:00 AM until Sunday, June 18, 2023, 7:00 PM
Japan House Los Angeles
Japan House Los Angeles
6801 Hollywood Boulevard, Level 2 & Level 5
Los Angeles, CA  90028
Registration is not Required
Payment In Full In Advance Only

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