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HomeEvents2025 Mass Go State Championship

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2025 Mass Go State Championship

Date and Time

Saturday, January 25, 2025, 9:00 AM until Sunday, January 26, 2025, 5:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) (UTC-05:00)


Boston Latin School
78 Avenue Louis Pasteur
Boston, MA  02115

Event Contact(s)

Nick Bonner



Registration Info

Registration is required
Payment In Full At Event Only


90 Total Slots

About this event

Players are required to be AGA members to participate. Please do not register if you are not a current AGA member in good standing.

If you do not have an AGA rating already that is OK, this event can help you establish one.

Complete Rules and Schedule will be sent via email. Players should expect to play 5 main rounds across 2 days and have the opportunity to participate in reviews or side games.

A $40 donation is requested in cash when you show up at the event, this will go directly to a prize pool for the division you play in. This is not required, feel free to participate under any circumstance. Youths and DDK players can donate $30 if they like.

We are pleased to announce that a $1000 donation, compliments of Mr. David Cho 5-Dan, will go the first place competitor in the open competition. Dan and Kyu players from all over are invited to come and compete.

Thank you to all our sponsors, donors, and players!

Please know that there is a 90 player registration limit. Spots are first come first served.

McMahon bands based on AGA rating, or tournament director discretion.

Registration Closes January 18th

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