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2025 US Go Congress pre-registration checklist

Chris Garlock | Published on 1/21/2025

With registration for this year’s US Go Congress – set for July 12-20 in Austin, TX -- in final testing and almost ready to turn on, here’s a checklist to help you prepare:

- Make sure your AGA membership is up to date; you must be able to sign in here as a member in order to register for the Congress. If you’re not a member, click here to join.
- Update your member information: once signed in click on the down arrow by your name up top and open and update your profile. If you will be registering more than one family member, they must also have a current membership unless they are coming as a non-participant guest.
- Gather your info: You’ll need to gather the following information for each participant you are registering: t-shirt size; playing rank; which major Congress tournaments  (Open, Masters, Senior, Women's, Die-Hard) you/they plan to play in; cell phone number; emergency contact name, phone number, and email.

If you have any questions during this process, just email 

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