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Middlebury College course introduces Go to a new generation

Chris Garlock | Published on 2/1/2025

Here are some photos from longtime Go player and instructor Pete Schumer’s winter term Go course at Middlebury College (Math 1001) which just finished up last Thursday. 

“Students met every day (and a good number of evenings) throughout January learning how to play Go and refining their skills,” Schumer reports. The students recorded and made game commentaries, wrote about Go as a metaphor, and worked on and presented research projects on a host of other Asian arts and traditions. They also viewed anime and films related to Go, were tested on Go history and terminology, tsume go problems and the like, with the session culminating in a 5-round class tournament. “It's quite intensive and exhausting, but was a great success for all involved,” says Schumer. “At the end of class today, the class handed me a nice card with a hand drawn Go board and lots of good wishes and some original haiku about Go.”

photos: top left: Middlebury students at play; top right: Jojo Hayes vs. Mills Gray; middle right: Birch Craig vs. Dominic Heywood (Birch Craig won the class tournament 5-0 record while recording his games on paper); bottom right: tournament games; bottom middle: Avery Goldstein vs. Janelle Jackson; bottom left: The entire class after solving one of Noriyuki Nakayama's famous shicho problems. photos by Pete Schumer

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